Sunday, September 28, 2008


2nd CARSHOW in sea sports , 2 feb
up side foto (First car sticker design)

25may Manika CarShow (the NEW ALL STICKER DESIGN)

17 aug, CarShow in UMS SCHOOL 2pm - 5pm
We all show out the SOUND SYSTEM and Blast the sound,
Wao..many ppl come & see

My Demo Car foto gallery

Saturday, September 27, 2008

THE DEMO by ALLWAYS CREATIVE (my partner wazlee car)

Start working at the night, all sticker are very small & fine,
much stick & remove careful
Before Finish!!!

(AFTER FINISH) install

My New Notebook(laptop)

NEW Limited 2008
stock important in singapore.
Brand: HP
Window: Vista Licence software window
Ram: 2GB - up to4GB
Hdd: 160GB
Graphic Card: ATI Radeon 3200 512MB-DDR3
Security: Finger Print to open pc or document

hehe..Very happy have new laotop..
but take a longtime to wait shipping coming,
1 month above.

BlackList car sticker (GEN 2)

Sample design in pc CUSTOM Made Design try my idear
process to start work, but nont me install, coz not time to istall.
istall in INITIAL D car accessories.
after finish install stickers black & red color.
very nice i like this design

Sunday, September 21, 2008

28 june 1 borneo (car show)

Winner in Manika Bearch carshow 3rd, KK Celcom carshow 3rd, KK Membakut carshow 1st
plate number (TT4978) Labuan

plate number (LB4410) Labuan

The two kancil demo car are come from my design in 1 borneo Carshow